Monday, June 11, 2012

Welcome Miss Lizzie!!

This past weekend was the Tulsa Green Country Quilters Bi-Annual Quilt Show. I procrastinated and didn't get anything entered into the show. I talked about it, planned which ones I would enter and even took pictures but when Jeff got sicker in April I never the completed the process. Never you mind though I was totally excited for the show and couldn't wait to get there. Besides the beautiful quilts that I was anxious to see I had another mission. I was seriously looking and going to test drive mid-arm machines. I have been free motion quilting for years but would never go bigger than a lap quilt. Over the past few months I developed a serious fever to extend beyond my preset boundaries and move to a mid arm machine upon which I could do larger quilts with ease. I started early on Friday and after a couple of hours and several machines later I decided on the Tin Lizzie 18 Sitdown model. There was a show price which was good and I took the demo machine for an even better deal...and it was already assembled (table and machine) and I could get it immediately after the show on Saturday. I especially loved the sturdy feel of this machine, It was easy to get a steady consistent rhythm with the stitching, and the table extended to hold a large quilt. YEAH!!! Welcome Miss Lizzie!! I picked her up in my SUV after the show on Sat. The table was put together. I just had to tighten the screws and sit the machine into the slot in the table. I found a manual online (mine is being sent from the seller) and I threaded her and away we went. What Fun!!! I hope to learn a lot about more free motion designs and extend my comfort zone quickly. What a blessing to have this machine in my home now while we are so restricted because of Jeff's health. I am at the hospital now sitting beside him as he gets platelets and blood or I would snap a picture of "Miss Lizzie" and show you. I will have to do that later. 

Design Wall Monday


Instead of the design wall I decided to show you what is on my entry hall wall.
This a block of the month that I did last year and finished this past fall. It is done in 1800's reproduction fabrics. The title was "Starry, Starry Night". I choose an alternate setup that was provided by the instructor who supervised the BOM. Each month we made three block for a total of 36 blocks. The 12inch and 8inch blocks were the same pattern. The 6inch block was an adapted version for a smaller block. All the blocks were done in different reproduction fabrics.

This picture show the entire quilt hung in the entry along with the entryway light that was in the way.
I rotate quilts throughout the year depending on the season or my mood or what I have available waiting in the wings to be displayed.
I am still using my portable design wall. My larger design wall is waiting to be hung on the wall in my new sewing room annex. I am working on the "Holy Toledo" blocks....that I have been working on for two months. I don't get a lot of free time to sew these days. I am halfway done with those blocks about 40 more to go. Now I am playing with "Miss Lizzie" and actually finishing projects that have laid asleep in my closet for many months to years.
What a GREAT be finishing stuff!!! Have a great day!!

This is the DAY the LORD has made....Rejoice and be glad in it!!
Psalm 118:24

Happy Trails,

Mtn Mama

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